Miscellaneous Notes and Recollections


Thanks to everyone who made Vail such a special trip again, especially to Bobo and his tireless efforts.  It was great for the Quinn's to share this week with all of your families, it is a highlight of our summer.  Recruiting for next year is off to a great start after a busy summer of camps.  There is a little extra pressure in recruiting now since I now have to not only evaluate how the recruit will fit in and develop for the next 4 years at Middlebury; I have to evaluate how he will contribute to the Elite, Masters and then Supermasters teams!  They will all be signing blood oaths that they are in the program for life!


Erin Quinn




Bobo:  Thanks so much for including us and for all your successful efforts in organizing such a fantastic trip. it is amazing that you are able to bring such a large group together so harmoniously and that you are able build upon traditions like the Los Amigos with brilliant new ideas such as the pool pizza party! our trip was best summed up by hearing my son relate his favorite experiences, in order, to my Mom. what began as a top three list grew to more than ten in a constantly evolving order as he was overcome with his joyful memories. thanks again,

Rob Peterson

PS: I heard that next year the cut-off for masters will be 32 (they want to encourage more teams); this should help the numbers for the Middlebury masters team and from what Ian was telling me, the teammates he will be recruiting for next year should be able to field a team that could take the trophy!




Middlebury Crew and Families -

I wanted to let you guys know what a terrific time I had in Vail, and can report back that I had a great rookie experience.  The lax both teams played was solid, the wives and families were all very welcoming and friendly, and the attitudes of all the players were incredibly positive.

Thanks for a terrific experience, and if I can make it through the Jim Ladd/Greg Wheeler tryouts and selection committee, I'd like to run with you guys again.

Have a great year and hope to see you all again.

Doug Wetzel




Bobo, Thanks for all your work to make sure everyone at Vail had a great time. I really enjoyed hooking up w/ Middlebury for the tournament, seeing old friends like Will and Mike and making new friends w/ all you guys. Wish I could have contributed more in the goals department but considering, I was glad to make it thru the three games. Hope the rest of your summer goes well.


Chuck Reilly.




Doug captures the sentiments of the Sheehan family, as well. Pam, Stuart, Edwin and I had a terrific time, and we can't say enough good things about the experience. After a very short period, it seemed like we had known everyone for years. Thanks for the hospitality, and we hope that we are able to join you again next year.

Special thanks to Bobo and Donna for their incredible commitment to the event. It was first class.

Best Regards,
Peter, Pam, Stuart and Edwin Sheehan




As I was a "rookie orphan" this year I would like to chime in with a quick statement- " I am disappointed I missed the last 5 years." For me being stranded out here on the left coast now, it is a great way to reconnect with old teammates and fellow alums and also to meet players like Will Graham that I did not have the honor of playing with but have heard a lot about.

My hats off to Bobo. He is the captain that drives the ship. One last thought. As I was dragging my out of shape butt off the field after the Bowdoin game I heard an alum of theirs say;: "I still haven't lost to Middlebury. They may win NCAA championships but they can't beat us". Sign me up for next year. I would like another shot at Bowdoin.

Great to see everyone.


Chip Clark




Bobo:  As always, you did a tremendous job, and your current employer either wonders what your "other" fulltime job is, or has no idea how much time you spend at it!!!  Well we, your teammates and friends, DO know, and we couldn't do it without you, so, other than you busting up my ankle at Midd, you're "the best" (even if you are a pain in the a--, overly intense, overly muscled defenseman!)  Bottom line:  Thanks for making Vail such a special time for so many people!!  Have a great Summer


Wheels '78




Bobo's summary stands alone and he covers this year's Vail experience well.  Listed below are some of my thoughts:


There is no lacrosse program in the country that fields 4 competitive teams.  This in itself is amazing.  The best way to improve on this is to begin the process of keeping the regulars and drawing more players for next year.  Both teams could easily use several more players.  The more the merrier, plus we'll be even more competitive.

We need to devote the initial practice to a bit of a kick ass scrimmage - get acclimated to the altitude, play in game conditions(with officials) and get the kinks out before we play for real. 


If corporate
America had more Bob Sideli's, we wouldn't have as many Enrons and Worldcoms.  Bobo churns out a ton of work, does it right, plays by the rules and does it with a smile.  We'd be lost without him.


There is a direct connection with what happens at Vail and the success of Middlebury's program (women's too).  Each summer Middlebury demonstrates that it is in a class by itself....and this goes way beyond winning games.  It is the quality and character of the people involved. It starts with
Erin and works its way through everyone who wears the blue.

Keeping Vail viable and strong is a great investment in the future of
Erin's program.


Given all that Pete has done for all of us, it would be a crime to see the experience pass without attempting to capture what Pete is all about.  Whether it's his presence on the sideline or seeing him put his arm around one of the children at Tuesday night's dinner, it is clear that something special is going and it won't last forever.


Last week's experience is hard to put into words.  Although on the surface it is about lacrosse, in reality, it has nothing to do with lacrosse.  The Vail experience is really about friends, family, being together again and it's about character.

See you next year,

Jim Grube (oc)




Again - as always - "You The Man!"

There would be no Vail as we know it without your exemplary efforts!

Still walking gingerly...  but with a grin... reflecting on great times with great people playing a great sport!

Count me in for Vail '03!

Chad McClennan







My family is always shocked by how much we enjoy Vail every year.  We were certain that the first year in 1999 could not be matched and were prepared for a letdown in 2000.  However, 2000 was even better.  We had the same feeling in 2001 and again enjoyed it more than 2000.  This year, we were not going to attend Vail because of the fear of flying, etc.  However, we decided that Vail is precisely what was needed to combat the fear of flying developed in the fall.  And, of course, 2002 was the best Vail experience yet!

Why is Vail always so great every year?  It is the people.  Vail is all about the goodness of the people who attend.  Every year produces a different mixture of personalities that makes us collectively better.  The new people add a new dimension and the veterans manage to keep a fresh and inviting perspective on the week.

We missed some key players this year (Fudd, Kemp, Chafee, etc) that cant be replaced.  But we had some new ones (Chip Clark, Mike Jennings, Frankie Albanese) who were great to see (and can still play!!).

Vail is about perspective.  In our lives we can think of a million reasons why we cant come to Vail (work, family, yardwork, blah, blah, blah...). However, I ask you to focus on the one reason to rearrange your life to come to Vail -- the people!

I hope to see the old faces and new faces (not the freshman book) in 003  -- and bring the family if you can swing it.  They will love it as much
as you!

My best,

Paul Scheufele 1980




Ditto the Sheehan clan sentiments.  The Giffords had a blast.  Bobo - every year gets better and better.  Thanks for a memorable few days.

Garret Gifford



Shife - excellent comments, you have a way with words (the oc remembers when you were pursuing a career in journalism/writing with the ambition to become the next John Updike [perhaps Clark Kent]).

Anyway, a few comments on Shife's comments (I'm trapped on one of those long flights; good time to pontificate):

It really is about the people.  Each time I return to Vail I appreciate how this band of guys I worked with back in the old days have seasoned into remarkable men - anchored, committed fathers and husbands, very value-based people.  Humility aside,
Erin, Rit, Duano and I can take a lot of credit for this, but it is also you guys - you bring out the best in each other. You did then and you do now.

Another twist on this "feel-good" commentary; Vail is only a small sliver of our lives.  As Bobo remarks, we all have to return to the real world.  Here's what I'm driving at - Middlebury lacrosse is much more than Vail, it is the tip of the iceberg.  Vail, the email list serve,
Erin's game reports are a means of sustaining a very important bond.  Since the Vail experience began (thanks again to Will, Kemper, Duano and Bobo), this virtual/extended team experience has reconnected old friends and provided a means to provide help and support through some tough times.

In measure we all take great pride in the national championships, the winning record, the good times, but the real deal is the people....Shife, I agree.

Jim Grube (oc)