You would think that after all these year, I could adjust quicker to being back home and at my desk.  But just like in past years, the days following the trip to Vail are filled with many moments of longing for the great company, excellent lacrosse, fantastic scenery and near perfect weather.  It is hard to capture all my feelings, but here is my best shot.


I truly believe that we reached a new high in our playing level this year.  Both the Masters and Super Masters teams played excellently.  As a crude indicator, we scored 70 goals to our opponents 45 goals!  I hope some of you guys chime in and contribute your best memories from the games.  Here are some of my recollections and  a few game descriptions that I found on the Tournament's web site.

Practices - Friday night we couldn't get on a field, so we just had a light throw around practice.  But on Saturday morning we had a full field scrimmage.  It was mostly Masters vs. Supermasters.  It was a excellent way to get up to speed as a team.  I thought it was the best "alumni" game I have ever played in.  Given our slow starts in the first games this year, we plan to play a longer and more game like scrimmage next year.


Supermasters - 7th place (out of 10)

Sunday:  Bowdoin 8, Middlebury 6
My Notes:  Bowdoin went on to take 1st place.  They told Will and I that our team was the only team to give them a game.  Unfortunately, we had to beat Bowdoin to even get into the consolation bracket.  The worst part of losing to Bowdoin for me was that I had to make an executive decision the night before leaving for Vail.  Jim Soran, tournament co-director, called me and asked me if the Bowdoin team could use a Master division 40 year old Bowdoin graduate as their goalie for their game against us since their Supermasters goalie would not arrive in time for the game.  (The rules of the tournament do not allow play in both the Masters and Supermasters divisions.)  I said yes.  He played a great game.  We could have beat him with our "A" game, but we didn't have all our players and like in prior years we started slow due to our lack of playing time.  As the game progressed, we got much stronger, and in fact, I think we were down by at least 4 goals and we staged a very comeback and even held them to no additional goals for almost 2 periods.  If they have the guts to show up next year, we will make them pay! 

Monday:  Middlebury 16, WOOF 4
Tournament Notes:  Middlebury races out to a 7-0 lead after one period and never looks back. WOOF overmatched throughout as Middlebury takes almost 60 shots on the WOOF goalkeeper, Penner. The Middlebury attack of Burchard (3 goals, 3 assists),
Jackson (5 goals), Wheeler (2 goals, 3 assists) took their share of shots while Hefferman came through at midfield with 3 goals.

Tuesday:  Middlebury 15, Air Force 6
Tournament Notes:  Air Force only managed 1 goal in the first three quarters with 4 of their goals scored by Nowak. Middlebury scored more than 4 goals in each of the first three quarters, their leading scorers were their attackmen with Ladd (5 goals, 3 assists), Sheehan (3 goals), and Reilly (3 assists).

Masters - 3rd place (out of 6)

Sunday:  STX-Lacrosse Unlimited 15, Middlebury Alumni 12
My Notes:  This game was a very high intensity game. 
Long Island won last year's tournament and may have thought they could coast through their first game.  However, we gave them a real run for it.  For at least 2 periods, it was a one point game.  I lost my voice by the last day in Vail and I think it did all the damage during this exciting game.

Monday:  Middlebury 14, Hollywood Masters 6
My Notes:  Before the game, Ian McCray '92 said that Middlebury can not lose to a team named "
Hollywood".  He went out and made sure of this boasting!

Tuesday:  Middlebury 7, TOGS 6
My Notes:  TOGS tied the game with 34 seconds remaining.  We won the face off, Chip Kenyon '85 charged the goal and George Lee '88 put in the winning goal with 20 seconds on the clock. 

GOLF - Saturday afternoon

As recommended by Jon Peterson '86, we played Masters vs. Supermasters and scored the tournament using the Stapleford method.  There were 8 Supermasters players and 3 Masters players.  The Masters players won by a final Stapleford score of 0 to the Supermasters'  -23. (The Masters team met their points goal and the Supermasters missed by 23 points.)  The Masters team took home the honor and a $96 gift certificate from the Eagle/Vail pro shop.   We had so much fun that the Middlebury Vail Masters vs. Supermasters golf tournament will be come a new tradition. 


Saturday -  Bouchard '76 annual Middlebury barbecue -  a bunch of folks, mostly Supermasters players, drove to
Frisco, CO for the annual Bouchard lacrosse barbecue.  Steve played football with a few of us and has generously opened his home to us and has hosted a team/family barbecue for us the past 2 years.

Sunday - Middlebury Alumni Reception - Pres. McCardell took time out of his busy schedule to fly out to Vail and attend Sunday's game and host the alumni reception.  Pres. McCardell joined Pete for verses 1 and 3 of the Park School Song.  He also told that group that his wife and Pete constitute the
Vermont chapter of the Park School alumni association.  What a small world it is!

Monday - Pizza party - we had an impromptu pizza/pool party.  We managed to eat 24 pizzas and a consume several cases of beer.  It was standing room only around the pool.  Surprisingly no one fell in!  I think a new tradition was started.

Tuesday -  Los Amigos - for the sixth consecutive year, our last night was celebrated at the Mexican restaurant at the base of the mountain.  About 60 adults and over 20 children attended the celebration.  We ended the evening with one of Pete's best ever renditions of Park School Song and a great round of Cheer Boys Cheer.  Of course, the Pete Kohn Ice Cream Conga Line formed again this year and all the kids were treated by Pete to their favorite ice cream.


Pete has announced that he is really going to retire at the end of the 2003 lacrosse season.  Because of this, Erin Quinn, Jim Grube and I engaged a video documentary producer, David Gaynes, to film a documentary about Pete Kohn and his involvement in Middlebury lacrosse.  David's presence in Vail added an interesting dimension to this year's tournament.  Not only did he shoot the lacrosse games, he was also at all of our social events and additionally, he captured on film, interviews with many of us.  There will probably be another two or three days of shooting at Middlebury during the 2003 lacrosse season.  Our goal is to produce a PBS quality 30 minute documentary. By the end of the week, I should receive from David two VHS tapes consisting of about 15 hours of raw footage.  We will add a few more hours next spring and then phase II will consist of editing it all down to a 30 minute piece.  If you are interested in getting involved with this wonderful project, I am active!
ly seeking potential investors. 


Masters age cutoff will be 32 next year!  Therefore, all you guys from the class of '92 should be with us next year! Ian has already committed you to play.  You just have to turn 32 sometime in 2003, not before the tournament.

Next years tournament dates:
Masters: Sunday - Tuesday, June 29 -
July 1, 2003
Supermasters: Sunday - Tuesday, June 29 -
July 1, 2003
Men's Elite: Thursday -
Sunday, July 3-6, 2003
Women's Elite: Thursday -
Sunday, July 3-6, 2003

That's enough for now.

See you in 2003! 
