I have tried to capture last week's flurry of email messages by creating two team lists, Vail 2001 Masters and Vail 2001 Supermasters. Please go to our web site and review the teams.




Things to do:


1.  Please verify that I have included all those who want to participate.  I'd hate to leave anyone out!


2.  We need to start working on converting the fence sitters to committed team members.  Is there someone with a question mark next to their name that you can call and get to commit?


3.  We need to get everyone's email address so if you know someone's email address that is not listed on our site, get it to me ASAP. The underlining on our web site means you can click on the name.  Your Internet browser should be able to link to your email system and send an email

message.  At least you should see the email address at the bottom of your browser.


NOTE - I have the Midd Lax alumni listing so I can supply you with phone numbers (work and home) and home addresses.  You have no excuses!


Happy Thanksgiving (and remember don't pig out)

