Dear All:


1.  I just received our acceptance letter to the Vail Shootout Tournament.  We will be playing in the Masters Division.  So far there are 6 teams in our division.


Middlebury Alumni Lacrosse Club

Air Bound Aviation

New England (formerly TJX)

Long Island

Texas Lacrosse & Sports



They are striving to get 8 teams.  Fellowship of Christian Athletes is a first alternate right now. 


2.  As a reminder,  the age requirement for this year has been changed.  Any player 33 and over - including a player that turns 33 sometime during the year 2000, will be eligible to play on a Master's team. There are no age exemptions.   Make a call today - get us some young legs.  Most of the guys from the class of '88 (undefeated season) and of the guys from the class of '89 are eligible this year.  Make some calls to your friends.


3.  Banc Jones '92 wins a gold star for being the first to send in a contribution to the Gevertz '83 Memorial Scholarship Fund.   What about you?


4.  Does anyone have up to date contact info for Rod Fox '85?  His email account has been rejected all messages for the last 2 weeks.  I think he moved to Texas a few months ago so his Middlebury contact info is out of date also.


5.  Don't forget to start thinking about booking your hotel room in Vail and of course the earlier you book your plane ticket the cheaper it will be.


6.  Have you started running?  I hit the track last week.  I think it took me longer to put on my sneakers than I actually ran, but it's a start!


7.  I sure hope that many of you can make it up to Midd for the Alumni weekend.  It will surely be a big day in Pete's life and I hope you can be there to share it with him.  Hey, you might even find a few Easter eggs.




Bobo Sideli '77